What is Industrial Product Design?

Industrial Product Design is the professional application of the design of products used by people in daily life. Designers focus not only on the visuals of the product, but also on how it works, its added value and user experiences. The products we own or interact with emerge after the combination of these processes. Many products are the result of the work of professional designers who aim to improve our lifestyle through design.

About Industrial Product Design

The aesthetics of the product is the most important part of the design process and is the first thing customers think about. Regardless of the product's features and qualities, the main criterion for purchasing is how the product looks. Designed products should be comfortable and easy to use. Because end users expect their time with the product to be enjoyable. Packaging and assembly is the first thing a customer encounters when dealing with your product. Attention should be paid to the 'unboxing experience'. If the customer is to assemble, more attention should be paid to packaging and instructions. For example; Firms such as Ikea and Lego dominate the market with clear instructions that can be followed on matters such as packaging and assembly. While designing, the wishes, dreams of the customer and the design that appeals to the target audience should be agreed upon. Regardless of the product, it should be suitable for the target audience. Design efforts may not achieve the desired efficiency if it is not suitable for the target audience. Budget plays an important role in design. While designing, issues such as production economy, customer budget expectations, product sales targets are among the factors that play an active role in the creation of the design logic. If planning is made considering the above steps before designing, the design outputs will be more in line with the expectations.

Industrial Product Design Advantages

Global and local companies struggle to stand and rise in a commercial competition. Competitors around the world are designing strategies to take your place and gain advantage. As a result, all firms are struggling to make more profits. The rise of the efficient manufacturing industry in Asia has redefined the production order. Regular, disciplined and well-defined processes reduce production costs; made it impossible to compete on prices. Price reduction is no longer a sales strategy. Today, many brands outsource their production departments to benefit from the efficiency in the Asian industry. Product producers are working on marketing and sales strategies, and Asia with their backyard produces only for them. So if competitors make their production with almost the same factories, the same processes, the same machinery, the same labor and using the same resources, why does one sell more than the others?

So Better Industrial Design!

The impact of design

Good design; It gives a privilege and value to the designed product. Although most of these privileges and values exist as physical products, some of it is hidden in the user's feel. The pleasure and satisfaction a user gains from use contributes to the value of the brand.

Advantage of Getting Professional Support

Good design; provides benefits to its user throughout the life of the product. However, it would be a good choice to work with systematic and experienced teams to reveal important designs. Therefore, working with the right team when a product is born is important for the success of the product.

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