What is Product Development?

Product Development is also known as New Product Management. It is a series that includes the conceptualization, design, development and marketing steps of newly created or newly branded products. The purpose of product development is to meet the changing market conditions, consumer demand, maintain the competitive position of the product or brand, and increase its market share. Every product has a targeted customer base. Therefore, defining the target market for a product is a critical component that must occur early in the product development process. While product development is being carried out, market research should be carried out at every stage of the design process, including the unborn and subsequent versions of the product.

How is Product Development Done?

It consists of a number of processes, such as a new product idea or the improvement of an existing product. These processes are;

  1. Determination of the concept
  2. Industrial design
  3. Mechanical Design
  4. Analysis
  5. Prototype production
  6. Testing and verification
  7. Fast Manufacturing
  8. Mass production
  9. Quality control

Setting Design Criteria - Everything new, whether a mechanism or an end-user product, must go through a logic filter and brainstorming process. A more formal product development process can be applied by determining the strategies of an idea such as a forward-looking product logic, concept, worst-case scenario.

Idea analysis - It includes in-depth evaluation of the product concept. Market research and concept studies are the area where binding factors such as the applicability of the idea and its contribution to the company or the consumer are examined.

Concept Formation (Industrial Design) - It is the part where the functions, basic concept lines, and how the product will be read and perceived by the consumer, which are the turning points of a product defined as a concrete concept.

Mechanical Design - It is the stage of mechanical evaluation and creation of the design that comes as a concept, according to the production conditions. Parts are designed mechanically, taking into account criteria such as production disciplines, working conditions, regulations, test conditions, etc. The data generated at the end of this process is ready for mass production conditions.

Verification - It is the name given to the whole of virtual and real prototyping processes in order to prevent possible design errors before starting production and to reduce test costs, how the product will behave in the real field before mass production.

Virtual Prototyping

  • Plastic flow analysis
  • Static analysis
  • Dynamic analysis
  • Moldability analysis
  • Visual product previews

Real Prototyping

  • 3D Printer
  • Silicone mold
  • Machining
  • Trial patterns

Fast Manufacturing - These are low volume manufacturing studies for pilot production or real test studies of the product whose verification process is completed.

Product Development Applications

  1. A new product idea
  2. Ergonomics, design, cost, etc. of an existing product. improving aspects
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